
Y4 & 5 Report on a Fantastic Football Tournament 4年级和5年级精彩的足球锦标赛

Last week our Year 4 and 5 football teams took part in an all-day football tournament at Daystar Academy. Play was at a very high standard and YCIS Beijing returned home with a brilliant set of results.


We asked players from each of the teams to write up their own match reports. Read the U9 accounts here, and click “Read more” below to read about U11’s victories. 


U9 Boys


Our U9 Boys team won all four of their matches without conceding a single goal.  The first match saw the boys beat BIBA 10-0. This was followed by a 6-0 win over Hope International. The toughest game ended 3-0 with Grahm Christensen scoring a powerful header from a corner. The tournament ended with a comfortable 7-0 win. Commanding centre half, Everin Claussen, commented “It was a successful tournament. Beating Harrow was a big deal for us.”

我们的U9男子队赢得了所有四场比赛,并且未丢一球。第一场比赛,小伙子们以10比0大比分战胜了北京海嘉国际双语学校。随后,又以6-0战胜了北京协力国际学校。在最艰难的一场比赛中,Grahm Christensen凭借一次角球机会的强力头球结束了比赛,将比分锁定在3比0。最后一场比赛,我们以7-0的大比分轻取对手。中场指挥官Everin Claussen评论说:“这是一场成功的比赛。击败哈罗对我们来说具有重大意义。

U9 Girls


The U9 Girls team were playing at their very first football tournament and they did not show any signs of nerves as they drew their first game with BCIS 1-1. They won their remaining three matches, beating Hope International 4-1, Harrow 3-0 and Daystar 3-0. Our top scorer was Candy Zhai who scored 6 goals overall, including a very special hat-trick against Daystar. 

本次锦标赛是我们U9女子队的首秀,但是她们没有表现出任何紧张的迹象。她们在首场比赛中以1-1的比分逼平了北京乐成国际学校并且在后面的三场比赛中都取得了胜利:她们以4-1的比分击败了协力国际学校,两个3-0分别击败了哈罗和启明星。我们的最佳射手是Candy Zhai,她总共打入6球,并且在对战启明星的比赛中上演了帽子戏法。

To continue reading the match reports, click “Read more” below. Congratulations to all our players!


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